I wouldn’t say that all companies should have a learning club. But I would say that everyone should be a member of one.
A learning club is usually an unofficial group of colleagues who get together once a week to give mutual support to personal development in whatever way they see fit.
But as it’s something new, getting people to embrace the idea and involved in supporting it is difficult.
So here are a few tips on getting one started and trying it out.
1. Start small
You don’t need a huge number of people. Three is sufficient to begin with. A small number is easier to manage and it allows you to play around with the format until you have something that you’re happy with.
2. Spread the word.
Let it be common knowledge what you’re up to. But don’t pressure anyone to join. Let people be curious. Post on social media. Mention it in meetings. Drop it casually into conversations with coworkers “I’ve got much better at running team meetings thanks to our Learning Club”.
3. Make the objective clear
A learning club is where members help and support each other to make real progress in the areas of their choice in a way which is friendly, feasible and fun.
4: Set clear and finite goals
Don’t expect to go from bottom gear to top in on go. Start by agreeing to try it for once a week for 6 weeks. If it’s successful, extend. If not, try something different.
5: Everyone should be learning something
In fact, not only should everyone be learning something, but everyone should know what everyone else in the club is learning, too. Part of LC is to support each member develop a personal learning strategy. Each member should be able to explain what they want to improve, how they intend to go about doing it and how other members can help.
6: Celebrate small wins
Regardless of how small a step forward has been made, celebrate it. Receiving positive recognition for our achievements is a great motivator. Sharing our successes within the group increases morale and camaraderie.
7: Include all members every meeting
Let everyone have a turn in explaining their reasons for joining, what they want to achieve, their progresses, failures, successes etc. Get members engaged and involved right from the beginning.
8. Constantly increase the pressure
At the end of each meeting, it’s the job of each member to set themselves a challenge to do before the next meeting, and it’s the job of everyone else to encourage them to aim a little higher.
When it comes to developing a personal learning strategy, a Learning Club can be a great support to guide, motivate, encourage and inspiring.
If you aren’t in one, join one.
If there isn’t one to join, start one. That’s a great learning experience in itself.
See also: